站長在 [7號驛站] 打雜兼手作甜點,
也歡迎大家有到大溪遊玩時,來 [7號驛站] 坐坐。
▲ 芒果伯爵戚風 Earl Grey Tea Chiffon with Fresh Mango
▲ 芝麻焙茶重乳酪 Sesame and Hojicha Cheesecake
▲ 桑葚莓果生乳酪 Mulberry cheesecake
▲ 覆盆子重乳酪 Raspberry Cheesecake
▲ 奧地利奶酥蘋果派 Streusel Apfel Kuchen
▲ 茶山採栗子 Macha Chiffon cake with golden chestnut
▲ 草莓草莓戚風蛋糕 Very Strawberry Chiffon cake
▲ 焦糖胡桃可可塔 Caramel Walnut chocolate tart
▲ 愛爾蘭咖啡重乳酪 Irish Coffee Cheesecake
▲ 肉桂捲 Cinnamon Roll
▲ 芋頭波士頓派 Taro Boston Pie
▲ 芒果波士頓派 Mango Boston Pie
▲ 國王草莓塔 Crown styled strawberry tart
▲ 黃金地瓜酥頂磅蛋糕 Crumble yam pound cake
▲ 焙茶戚風蛋糕佐海鹹焦糖鮮奶油 Hojicha chiffon cake with salted caramel cream
▲ 烤藍莓乳酪塔 Blueberry cheesecake tart
▲ 布魯耶爾洋梨塔 Tarte Bourdaloue
▲ 草莓白巧克力生乳酪蛋糕 Strawberry & white chocolate cheesecake
▲ 香蕉巧克力鮮奶油蛋糕 Banana & chocolate chiffon cake
▲ 草莓巧克力鮮奶油蛋糕 Strawberry & chocolate chiffon cake
▲ 馬斯卡彭草莓千層 Mascarpone strawberry mille crepes
▲ 莓果生乳酪塔 Berries cheese tart
▲ 草莓天使蛋糕 Strawberry angel cake
▲ 烤抹茶重乳酪蛋糕 Matcha cheesecake
▲ 奧地利奶酥蘋果派 Streusel apfel kuchen
▲ 藍莓重乳酪蛋糕 Blueberry cheesecake
▲ 皇后櫻桃塔 Cherry Clafoutis
▲ 栗子重乳酪蛋糕 Chestnut cheesecake
▲ 百香果凝乳塔 passion fruit curd tart
▲ 芝麻戚風 sesame chiffon cake
▲ 美式鄉村南瓜派 classic American pumpkin pie
▲ 南瓜乳酪蛋糕佐海鹽焦糖醬 pumpkin cheesecake with salted caramel
▲ 巧克力重乳酪 best chocolate cheesecake
▲ 法芙娜可可戚風 Valrhona chocolate chiffon cake
▲ 蘑菇馬林糖 mushroom meringue
▲ 紅白文旦塔 fresh red and white pomelo tart
▲ 馬斯卡彭咖啡塔 mascarpone coffee tart
▲ 富士山磅蛋糕 Fuji Mt. pound cake
▲ 蜜桃果凍生乳酪 peach jelly cheesecake
▲ 奧利奧生乳酪 oreo cheesecake
▲ 藍莓蛋白霜塔 blueberry cheese tart with meringue topping
▲ 中秋限定:千層芋頭酥 Taro and Mochi Pastry
▲ 抹茶紅豆生乳酪蛋糕 matcha & red bean cheesecake
▲ 雙倍藍莓重乳酪蛋糕 double blueberry cheesecake
▲ 焦糖蘋果乳酪蛋糕 caramel apple cheesecake
▲ 泰式手標奶茶生乳酪 Thai milk tea cheesecake
▲ 隱形蘋果蛋糕 invisible apple cake
▲ 無花果榛果磅蛋糕 fig & hazelnut pound cake
▲ 伯爵茶無花果磅蛋糕 earl grey tea and fig pound cake
▲ 葡萄柚甜橙塔 grapefruit and orange tart
▲ 抹茶芝麻慕斯蛋糕 matcha and sesame mousses cake
▲ 肥滋滋牛油曲奇 butter cookies
▲ 芒果乳酪塔 mango tart with rosette cream cheese frosting
▲ 貓王最愛香蕉蛋糕 banana cake with peanut butter cream
▲ 老奶奶檸檬蛋糕 lemon glazed cake
▲ 可可杏仁餅乾 chocolate almond cookie
▲ 芒果生乳捲 mango cake roll
▲ 可可焦糖香蕉塔 chocolate & caramel banana tart
▲ 芋泥紫薯千層 purple yam & taro mille crepe cake
▲ 芒果盒子蛋糕 chiffon cake with fresh mango
▲ 波爾多可麗露 canneles
▲ 芋泥紅豆塔 taro & red bean tart
▲ 巧克力甘納許天使蛋糕 chocolate ganache angel cake
▲ 可可伯爵塔 earl grey tea white chocolate ganache tart
▲ 拉拉山水蜜桃塔 lalashan peach tart
▲ 芒果千層 mango mille crepes cake
▲ 玫瑰奇異果塔 kiwifruit tart
▲ 蛋白霜檸檬塔 lemon meringue tart
▲ 芝麻大理石生乳酪蛋糕 sesame marble cheesecake
▲ 巧克力棉花蛋糕 chocolate cotton cake
▲ 夏日芒果塔 summer mango tart
▲ 貝禮詩奶酒核桃磅蛋糕 bailey's & walnuts pound cake
▲ 芒果優格生乳酪蛋糕 mango & yogurt cheesecake
▲ 哈哈密瓜塔 cantaloupe tart
▲ 三眼怪抹茶生巧克力塔 toy story alien matcha chocolate tart
▲ 楓糖胡桃派 maple sugar pecan pie
▲ 栗子蒙布朗 mont blanc
▲ 抹茶白巧克力生乳酪蛋糕 matcha & white chocolate cheesecake
▲ 草莓提拉米蘇蛋糕 strawberry tiramisu cake
▲ 哈密瓜慕斯蛋糕 melon mousses cake
▲ 伯爵戚風蛋糕 earl grey tea chiffon cake
▲ 舒芙蕾水果生乳捲 fruit cake roll
▲ 脆脆蘋果蛋糕 cinnamon sugar apple cake
▲ 檸檬薰衣草瑪德蓮 lemon lavender madeleine
▲ 草莓慕斯蛋糕 strawberry mousses cake
▲ 花漾草莓塔 floral strawberry tart
▲ 巧克力四重奏 chocolate cheesecake
▲ 漸層藍莓生乳酪蛋糕+ layered blueberry cheesecake plus
▲ 草莓達克瓦茲 strawberry dacquoise
▲ 抹茶千層毛巾捲 matcha crepe roll cake
▲ 草莓漸層生乳酪 layered strawberry cheesecake
▲ 整顆柳橙蛋糕+焦糖橙片 orange cake with caramelized orange slice
▲ 草莓起酥千層派 strawberry mille feuille
▲ 莓果塔 berries tart
▲ 法式草莓蛋糕 strawberry fraisier cake
▲ 抹茶紅豆捲 Matcha & red bean cake roll
▲ 海鹽焦糖生乳酪蛋糕 Salted caramel cheesecake
▲ 香蕉卡士達塔 banana custard tart
▲ 白葡萄塔 & 藍莓塔 white grape tart & blueberry tart
▲ 小山磅蛋糕-小山園抹茶 matcha poundcake with chestnut
▲ 貝里詩奶酒乳酪蛋糕 Bailey's Irish cream cheesecake
▲ 檸檬凝乳生乳酪蛋糕 lemon curd cheesecake
▲ 龍貓芝麻乳酪塔 Tororo sesame cheese tart
▲ 抹茶大理石生乳酪蛋糕 matcha marble cheesecake
▲ 水果千層蛋糕 fruit mille crepe cake
▲ 草莓生乳酪蛋糕 strawberry cheesecake
▲ 草莓生乳捲 strawberry cake roll
▲ 草莓千層蛋糕 strawberry melle crepe cake
▲ 香蕉磅蛋糕 banana poundcake
▲ 藍莓漸層生乳酪蛋糕 layered blueberry cheesecake
▲ 台灣好好抹茶磅蛋糕 Taiwan goodies matcha poundcake
▲ 小山園抹茶生乳酪蛋糕 Matcha cheesecake
▲ 伯爵香橙磅蛋糕 poundcake with earl grey and orange peel